Useful References
The references listed below provide useful insights into supporting freshmen success in the classroom. If you have relevant references you would like to share, please contact Adriana Signorini.
- Berman, Russel. Engaging Students requires a Renewed Focus on Teaching . The Chronicle of Higer Education. Sep. 15, 2014. Web. Sep 19, 2014
Chickering, A. and Gamson Z. (1987) Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education . Print
Gabriel, Kathleen. Teaching Underprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education. Sterling: Stylus, 2008. Print.
Greenwald, Richard. Think of First-Generation Students as Pioneers, Not Problems . The Chronicle of Higher Education. Nov. 11, 2012. Web. Nov. 18, 2012
Kim, Young and Sax, Linda. Different Patterns of Student-Faculty Interaction in Research Universities . CSHE Research and Ocasional Paper Series. Aug., 2007. Web. Nov. 19, 2012
Smith, A. (2018) Re-evalutating perceptions about first-generation college students and their academic engagement. Inside Higher Ed June 26.
Ward, L., et al. Chapter 1. Who are First-Generation Students? First Generation College Students: Understanding and Improving the Experience from Recruitment to Commencement . Jossey-Bass, S.F. 2012.Tomorrow's Professor Mailing List. Web. Jan. 31
Online Resources:
- Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching: Teaching First Year Students
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: Center for the First Year Experience
- Carnegie Mellon University: Best Practices for Teaching First-Year Undergraduates
- Carnegie Mellon University: Eberly Center. Solve a Teaching Problem
- University of California, Merced, Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning: Teaching Resources
- Tomorrow's Professor 1621 Learning and engagement strategies (that augment lecturers)
General Education Experience:
Beyer, C., Gillmore, G., & Fisher, A.T. (2007) Inside the Undergraduate Experience. Wiley: San Francisco.
Hothem, T. (2013) Integrated GE and the Extent of Interdisciplinarity: The UC-Merced Core 1 Curriculum . Journal of General Education.
- General Education in the 21st Century: A Report of the University of California Commission on General Education . Berkeley: Center for Studies in Higher Education. CSHE.7.07. (April 2007)
Professional Societies:
- The Reinvention Center : Database of studies that include aspects of undergraduates that are particularly problematic and recommend strategies to address them.
- Association of American Colleges and Universities : Toolkit resources on educational practices correlated with higher levels of academic challenges, student engagement, and achievement.