Engagement Matters:
Student success is measured by student learning. Learning is a shared responsibility between the student and the instructor. Learning begins with engagement , but what is engagement and how do you know your students are learning?
Teaching first generation college students
Pre-activity Handout & Teaching First Gen Students Handout
Online Resources:
American Radio Works: http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/tomorrows-college/lectures/
Bennett, Jeffrey: http://math-for-life.com/
Growth Mindset: https://www.khanacademy.org/coach-res/reference-for-coaches/how-to/a/growth-mindset-lesson-plan
Carl Wieman. Science Education Initiative at the University of British Columbia: http://cwsei.ubc.ca/index.html & http://cwsei.ubc.ca/SEI_research/
Daniel Willingham. Cognitive Process: http://www.danielwillingham.com/articles.html
Daniel Chambliss. The power of the personal: http://chronicle.com/article/The-Power-of-the-Personal/148743/
Idea Papers: http://ideaedu.org/research-and-papers/idea-papers/
Improving Classroom Performance by Challenging Student Misconceptions about Learning . Chew, S. L. ObserverVol.23, N 4, April 2010.
Lang, James: http://chronicle.com/article/Getting-Beyond-Brain-Games/145237/
Perez-Pena, R. Colleges Reinvent Classes to Keep Students in Sciences , Dec 26, 2014.
Samford University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N5aKQLa5i4&list=PLKQFwi9nBbVqrolTprVW6fhhH5r2geipO
Society for the teaching of psychology: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/asle2014/index.php
Steven Chew, Professor of the Year 2011, videos on How to Get the Most Out of Studying ( over 2 million views)
The Little Orange Book: Short lessons in excellent teaching, http://utpress.utexas.edu/
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching: Flipping the Classroom
University of Minnesota. Active learning activities
Brown, P., Roediger, H., & McDaniel, M. (2014) Make it stick. The Science of Successful Learning. Cambriadge: Harvard University Press.
Carey, B. (2014) How we learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why it Happens. New York: Random House.
Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset. New York: Random House.
Chambliss, D. & Takacs, C. How college works.
Didau, D., Bjork, R., & William, D. What if everything you knew about education was wrong?.
Lang, J. Cheating lessons.
McGuire, S. & McGuire, S. Teach students how to learn.