Schorlarship of Teaching and Learning Resources:
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Cycle
January meeting slides: SoTL Steps 1 & 2
February meeting slides : SoTL Steps 3, 4, & 5
Categories for proposal submission to the original Lilly conference
April meeting slides: How do you know your students are learning?
May meeting slides: Course Evaluations
Data Collection and Analysis
Four areas of ethical consideration in SoTL
Designing and Administering surveys: slides and tips and advice handout .
Primer on Conducting Research & Video Ross Avilla, Psychology Faculty. More resources at
SATAL Program for data collection, analysis, and reporting
Statistical Analysis of Data & Video, Daniel Swenson, Math Faculty. -You can download and install "R" and then download and install "RStudio" (choose the "free" version).
Sample Size Calculator: Raosoft
Tomorrow's Professor 1554 posting: Mixed-Methods Research.
Poster Design and Presentation Practices
Designing an Effective Research Poster by UC Merced's own Justin Mathews
Good poster presentation practices from Eastern Michigan University
Creating a poster in Powerpoint 2010 from Eastern Michigan University