Faculty Academy on Teaching First-Year Students - Spring 2019
'Fostering a culture of inquiry about student learning'
Undertaking both traditional research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is not easy. Faculty involved in traditional disciplinary research bring important and different perspectives to SoTL.
A Worthy Endeavor Tomorrow's Teaching and Learning 1660.
"SoTL work redirects our attention from whether or not students are learning topics to understanding the reasons why students have difficulty learning those topics. Consequently, SoTL gives us greater insights into teaching and learning, which moves us toward the ultimate goal of improving student learning."
The Faculty Academy on Teaching First-Year Students offers monthly learning opportunities through seminars as well as consultations throughout the academic year. This community of practice is open to new and returning, senior, and junior faculty teaching first-year students at UC Merced.
- Identify and develop a classroom-based topic of interest
- Craft research questions to explore that topic
- Determine type(s) of data needed
- Determine appropriate methods and analysis
- Collect data, analyze data, write up results and conclusions
Questions? Ideas? Please contact
Adriana Signorini at asignorini@ucmerced.edu
Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning,
Educational Assessment Unit
AOA 111| 209 228 4766
James Zimmerman at jzimmerman6@ucmerced.edu
Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning,
Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
AOA 113| 209 228 4761